Account Summary

Account Summary Report displays a summary of your Indiabulls account. Here, you can view your ledger balances, margin details (Available and Utilized), current market value of your holdings in 'A' category stocks & 'Z' category stocks and maximum amount that you can withdraw from your Indiabulls Trading account.

To give you a clear and concise view of your account, Account Summary is divided into three major sections (Kindly refer to the screenshot above)

Ledger Details
Margin Details
Net Holding Market Value

Add-on Features
  1. Synch - You can click on ‘Synch’ button to synchronize /update Account Summary Report.

  2. Print - You can take a print out of the Account Summary Report by clicking on ‘Print’ button.

  3. Export - You can download current Account Summary Report in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These details will be downloaded in csv format.

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