News Room |
On clicking, you will view the following window In News Room section, news feeds are segreggated into distinct sub-sections. These can be accessed by selecting the Select News drop-down given at the top-right side of the News Room window. 1) BSE Announcements - BSE Announcements section displays you the latest announcements made by various corporate on Bombay Stock Exchange. 2) Corporate News - Corporate News section displays the latest business news about the companies listed on Indian stock exchanges. 3) Economy News - Economy News section provides you latest news related to Indian economy which may affect the overall business & market sentiments. 4) Hot Pursuit - Hot Pursuit section provides news on day’s movers and shakers on the stock market. In this section, you can view news on the stocks that have seen tremendous interest during the current day trading. 5) Market Beat - Market Beat section lets you feel the pulse of the stock market through regular updates. In this section, you can view the news that could have a significant impact on the market sentiment. 6) Stock Alerts - Stock Alerts section provides you the pre-market update on various stocks that are likely to move sharply during the current day trading. Also Read: |