Scrip Parameters available in PIB

PIB provides you several useful scrip parameters. These include:

  1. LTP - You can insert this parameter to view the last traded price of the given scrip.

  2. %CHG - You can insert this parameter to view the percentage change in scrip's price as compared to its previous day closing price.

  3. TBQ - You can insert this parameter to view the total scrip quantity available to bid in the Order Book.

  4. TSQ - You can insert this parameter to view the total scrip quantity available to sell in the Order Book.

  5. BID QTY - You can insert this parameter to view the scrip quantity available to bid at the Best Buying Price.

  6. BID PRICE - You can insert this parameter to view scrip's Best Buying Price available in the Order Book.

  7. OFFER QTY - You can insert this parameter to view the scrip quantity available to sell at the Best Selling Price.

  8. OFFER PRICE - You can insert this parameter to view scrip's Best Selling Price available in the Order Book.

  9. VOLUME - You can insert this parameter to view total traded quantity of the given scrip during current market day.

  10. OPEN - You can insert this parameter to view scrip's opening price.

  11. HIGH - You can insert this parameter to view the highest price at which scrip is traded during the current market day.

  12. CLOSE - You can insert this parameter to view the closing price of the scrip.

  13. LOW - You can insert this parameter to view the lowest price at which scrip is traded during the current market day.

  14. EXCHANGE SYMBOL - You can insert this parameter to view the exchange symbol of the given scrip.

  15. CATEGORY - You can insert this parameter to view the scrip category. It is defined by the exchange.

  16. SERIES / GROUPS - You can insert this parameter to view the series where the given scrip is grouped.

  17. SCRIP CODE- You can insert this parameter to view scrip's code number allotted by the exchange.

  18. LAST TRADE TIME- You can insert this parameter to view the time when the latest trade was executed in the given scrip.

  19. LTQ - You can insert this parameter to view the latest quantity that was traded in the given scrip.

  20. ATP - You can insert this parameter to view the average traded price of the given scrip.

  21. OI- You can insert this parameter to view the current open interest accrued on the given scrip.

  22. HIGH OI- You can insert this parameter to view the maximum open interest accrued on the given scrip.

  23. LOW OI- You can insert this parameter to view the minimum open interest accrued on the given scrip.

  24. NET CHANGE - You can insert this parameter to view the net change in scrip's price as compared to its previous day closing price.

  25. DPR - You can insert this parameter to view daily price range of given scrip/contract.

  26. LIFE TIME HIGH- You can insert this parameter to view the Life time high price of given commodity contract.

  27. LIFE TIME LOW -You can insert this parameter to view the Life time low price of given commodity contract.

  28. 52 WEEK HIGH -You can insert this parameter to view the 52 week high price of given NSE scrip.

  29. 52 WEEK LOW -You can insert this parameter to view the 52 week high price of given NSE scrip.

Also Read:

What are Scrip Parameters?