Account Details (Customer Profile)

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Account Details section lets you view your contact details registered with Indiabulls. Besides, you can also update your contact details mentioned in your Trading Account.

Here, you can view your accounts details in two distinct tables - one providing Demat Account Details and other providing Trading Account Details.

How to change my contact details in Trading Account ?
To change your contact details given in Trading Account, follow the steps given below:

  1. Enter new details in the text boxes provided.

  2. Click on 'Update' button to send your update request.

  3. On clicking, the system validates your request and accepts it, if details are found to be valid. Or else, it displays you the relevant error message.
Note! You can also delete your request (which is still pending) by clicking on 'Delete' button given in Pending Request table.

How to change address of my DP / Trading Account ?
To change address of your DP/Trading Account, click on 'For Demat/Trading Account Address Change form, click here' link given at the bottom. (You can also refer to the first screenshot given on this page)

On clicking this link, the system opens a new window where you can read the instructions to change your Demat or Trading Account address.

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