Bhav Copy (Currency)


Bhav copy report displays historical quotes data of currency contracts in selected exchange. Data includes Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Value, Open Interest etc.

You can use the following options to view Bhav copy details:

  1. Exchange- Select the exchange under which you wish to view Bhav copy details.

  2. Instrument Type - You can search positions on the basis of instrument type. Here, you are provided with two instrument types – Futures and Options.

The details displayed on this page include:

  • Contract - This field displays the description of corresponding contract.

  • Open - This field displays the open price of corresponding contract for the day.

  • High - This field displays the highest price touched by the corresponding contract during the day.

  • Low - This field displays the lowest price touched by the corresponding contract during the day.

  • Close - This field displays the closing price of the corresponding contract for the day.

  • Previous Close - This field displays the previous day's closing price of the corresponding contract.

  • Settlement Price - This field displays the settlement price of the corresponding contract for the day.

  • Net Change Close Price - This field displays the net change in close price of corresponding contract.

  • Net Change Close Price (%) - This field displays the percentage change in close price of corresponding contract.

  • Open Interest -This field displays the open interest (in lots) of corresponding contract during the day.

  • Volume - This field displays the volume (in lots) in the corresponding contract during the day.

  • Value - This field displays the traded value (in Rs) in the corresponding contract during the day.

  • Premium Traded- This field displays the premium value traded in corresponding option contract for the day. This field will be displayed only for Options contract.

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