Normal Order Search feature lets you search orders placed by you in
F&O segment for NSE and BSE exchange. PIB displays you the following window when you click on this option:
How to search an Order in BSE?
PIB provides you the following search order options:
- Exchange - To begin with, choose the
Exchange type from the drop-down box. You can choose 'NSE' option or 'BSE' option from the drop down list. By default 'NSE' is selected.
- Instrument Type – Next, choose the
Instrument type. Here, you are provided with four major instrument types – OPTIDX (buy
index options), FUTIDX (buy index futures), OPTSTK (buy stock options) and FUTSTK (buy stock futures).
- Asset Code - You can view the orders on the basis of asset code. Enter the asset code for which you wish to search your F&O orders.
Option Type - You can search the orders on the basis of CALL or PUT. In case, you are not sure about the options type, choose 'both /NA' type.
Status - You can search orders bearing the particular order status.
You can search in Rejected, Cancelled, Executed, Expired Orders, Outstanding Orders and Request Sent . To know more about Order types, click here...
Buy/Sell - You can specify whether you want
to search for Buy Orders or Sell Orders. To search for both, choose
'Buy/Sell' option.
Expiry Date Range From / To - You can search your orders on the criteria that the expiry dates of F&O contracts lie between two selected dates. In other words, PIB searches for those contracts for which you placed the order in the past and their expiry date lie between two mentioned dates.
Specify the expiry date after which you wish to view order(s) in 'From' field. Similarly, specify the expiry date until which you wish to view order(s) in 'To' field . These dates will be in format (DD/MM/YYYY).
Period From / To – You can search your F&O Orders between two selected dates. Specify the date after which you wish to view order(s) in ' From' field. Similarly, specify the date till which you wish to view order(s) in ' To' field.
- Product Type - You can use this option to view orders for those contracts that have been marked for Intraday. By default, this filter will be set to 'All' i.e., one can view orders of all contract type - intraday / carry forward. Note! This filter will only be visible to those clients who have opted for Futures Intraday.
Note! Different color legends will be used to indicate the contracts which are marked for Intraday. This differntiation will only be visible to the clients who have opted for Futures Intraday product.
Once you set the search criteria, click on 'Search' button. On clicking, PIB works on your set criteria and display you a list of matched orders. (Search Results are explained below)
Search Results
Based on your search criteria, PIB displays you Search Result along with the related details. These include:
- Contract Description- This field displays the details of the
contract in which you had placed the orders.
- Exchange -This field displays the exchange name in which you had placed the orders.
Reference Number- It indicates
Reference Number of the corresponding order. You can click on the particular reference number view
the log of all activities that were performed by the system while processing the corresponding order. To know
more about Reference Number, click here…
Exchange Order Number - This field
indicates the order number given by the exchange with respect to corresponding order.
- Buy/Sell - This field indicates
whether the corresponding order was a Buy Order or a Sell Order.
- Order Price- This field displays the price entered by you while placing the corresponding order. In case, you have placed the order at 'Market' price and the order is still pending in the market, PIB will display 'Market' in this field.
- Original Qty- This field indicates the quantity mentioned while placing the corresponding order.
- Disc Qty- This field indicates the
disclosed quantity mentioned by you while placing the corresponding order.
- Remaining Qty- It displays the remaining quantity that is yet to be traded with respect to the underlying order.
- Order Entry Time- This field displays exchange's date and time when the corresponding order was placed.
Stop Loss Price - This field
indicates Stop Loss Price of the corresponding order. If the stop loss price is not
mentioned, it will show 'No' value.
- Product type - this field will display the contract type - intraday / carry forward. Different color legends will also be used to identify the contracts that are marked for Intraday.
- Protection % - This field will display the protection percentage you have entered while placing F&O order.
Order Term -This field indicates whether
the order is placed as good-till-day order or Immediate-or-Cancel order.
Entered By - This field indicates who has placed the corresponding order.
- Order Status -This field indicates the status of the placed F&O order.
Add-on Features
Print - You can take a print out of the
Order Search Table by clicking on ‘Print’ button.
Export - You can download the given
Order Search details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These
details will be downloaded in csv format.
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