Contract Wise Percentage (Commodity)

Contract Wise Percentage feature provides you information on Margin Percentage requirement for position you take in Commodity segment for selected Symbol and Expiry.

What does Contract Margins indicate?

It indicates the tentative margin% that you require to pay of the total contract value to take a new position in the given contract.

Note: Please note it is indicative margin and may vary as per policy of Indiabulls.

How to view the tentative margin required to trade in a particular commodity contracy ?
You can use the following search options to view the tentative margin percentage for a commodity contract:

  • Symbol - enter the internal symbol of the commodity to view the margin% of the given commodity contract.
  • Exchange - select the exchange where the commodity contract is traded.
  • Submit - click on "Submit" button to view the list of commodity contracts that fulfill the given search criteria.

Contract-wise Margin Percentage Details
The details displayed in Scrip-wise Margin Percentages report include:
  • Contract Description – It displays the full description of the contract including Commodity Symbol, Contract type and Expiry date.

  • Margin Requirement (%) Buy - This field will display the margin percentage blocked for taking a Buy position in the given contract.

  • Margin Requirement (%) Sell - This field will display the margin percentage blocked for taking Sell position in the given contract.
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