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Alerts Feature helps you track the movement of selected scrips. When you set an alert (target) on any scrip, PIB tracks its movement and informs you when the assigned target gets breached.

This option can be accessed by right clicking on the scrip (on which you wish to add an alert) and select Alerts option. On clicking, PIB displays you the following window:

Create alerts

How to create an Alert ?
To create an alert, follow the steps given below:

1) Field - Choose the field on which you wish to place an alert from Field drop-down box. It provides you with the following options:

  • LTP – You can place an alert on the Last Traded Price of the scrip.
  • Volume – You can place an alert on the scrip volume on a given market day.
  • % Change – You can place an alert on scrip's movement (in % terms) through out the day.
  • LTQ – You can place an alert on the last traded quantity of the given scrip.
  • Bid Price – You can place an alert on the Bid Price of the given scrip.
  • Bid Qty – You can place an alert on the Bid Quantity of the given scrip.
  • Offer Price – You can place an alert on the price that is being offered for the selected scrip.
  • Offer Qty – You can place an alert on the scrip quantity that has come for the offer during the current market day.
  • % Price Jump – You can place an alert on the upside movement of the scrip (in percentage terms).

2) Type - Choose the matching criteria i.e., whether the field should be less than equal to (<=) or greater than equal to (>=) assigned value.

3) Value - Enter the target value in this text box.

4) OK - Click on ‘OK’ button to create an alert.

An Example
Let's suppose you want to set an alert on ONGC that as and when it crosses 1200, PIB should alert you. The current market of ONGC is 1175. Below are the steps to create an alert to fulfill this purpose:

  1. Right click on ONGC scrip in the Market Watch.
  2. Click on 'Alerts' option. On clicking, an alert window opens (displayed in the above screenshot).
  3. Choose LTP (Last Traded Price) option from Field drop-down box.
  4. Choose '>=' in Type field.
  5. Enter 1200 in Value field.
  6. Click on 'OK' button to set an alert.

Note! Kindly note that once you sign off from PIB, all alerts will be removed in case you have not saved them. To know on how to save alerts, click here…

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