How to create My Own Market Watch ?

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To create your own Market Watch, follow the steps given below:
  1. To begin with, click on Market Watch option given in Markets Menu. Note! You can also press ‘F4’ on your keyboard to access Market Watch options.

  2. On clicking, PIB opens a new frame where you can either create a new market watch or open the existing Market Watch (Kindly refer to the screenshot below).

    Create new Market Watch
  3. Click on Create New tab to create a new Market Watch.

  4. PIB provides you with three default Market Watch options. Select ‘BLANK’ to create an empty Market Watch. Select ‘S&P CNX NIFTY’ to create Market Watch that constitutes of Nifty based scrips. Or, select ‘SENSEX’ to create Market Watch that constitutes of Sensex based scrips.

  5. Now, click on ‘Create’ button to create the Market Watch.

  6. Next, you will be asked to enter a unique name for your Market Watch window. Enter the name in the given text box and click on 'OK' button.

  7. Your Market Watch is now created.

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