Currency Complete Position Report displays a summary of all open positions held by you in Currency Futures and Options (F&O) segment. PIB displays you the following window, when you select this option in Reports Menu:
How to search a Complete position?
You can use the following options to search a position:
- Exchange- You can search position on the basis of exchange. Select the exchange under which you wish to view your Complete position.
- Instrument Type - You can search positions on the basis of instrument type. Here, you are provided with two instrument types – Futures and Options.
- Symbol- You can search position on the basis of symbol of currency pair. Select the symbol for which you wish to view your positions.
- Product - You can search position on basis of Product. Here, you are provided with two instrument types – Intraday and Carry Forward. To view positions in all product type, select 'ALL'.
Currency Complete Position Report Search Results
Basis on your search criteria, PIB displays you Intraday Position Search Results in
the following format:
- Contract Description - This field identifies the contract in which trading was done. Contract Description is generated by joining various identifiers. For ex., for Futures Contracts, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Symbol>-<Expiry Date>. For Options contract, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Symbol>-<Expiry Date>-<Strike Price>-<CE/PE>.
- Exchange - This field displays the exchange for the corresponding contract.
- Product Type - This field displays the product type for the corresponding contract.
- Previous Position- Lot- This field shows
the number of contracts (in Lots) traded by you during previous
- Previous Position - Avg. Price- This
field displays the average price at which the contract was traded during previous settlements.
- Current Position- Lot-This field shows
the number of contracts (in Lots) traded by you during current
- Current Position - Avg. Price- This field
displays the average price at which the contract was traded during the current settlement.
- Net Position- Lot- This field displays the net open positions in the corresponding contract. It is usually the sum of 'Previous Position - Lot' and 'Current Position - Lot'.
- Net Position - Avg. Price- This field displays the average price of the open positions held by you in the corresponding contract.
- Current Price- This field displays the
current market Price of the corresponding contract.
- Net Margin Utlized-This field shows the net Margin utilized for open positions and outstanding orders in corresponding contract during current settlement.
- Notional P/L -This field will display the notional profit / loss on the open Future & Options positions. For Buy Options positions, notional P/L will be zero, since you have paid the entire premium. For Futures (Buy & Sell) andl Options (Only Sell) positions, Notional P/L will be calculated.
- Booked P/L - This field will display booked profit/loss on squared off positions in the corresponding contract.
- Action-- You can click on Square-Off Net position button to square off your open position in selected currency contract.
Add-on Features
- Sync- You can view position detail by clicking on 'Sync' button based on values selected in filters.
- Print - You can take a print out of the
given Complete Position Search table by clicking on ‘Print’ button.
- Export - You can download the given
position details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These
details will be downloaded in csv format.
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