Currency Contract Information

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Currency Contract Information section displays you information about the selected currency contract.

The details displayed in this section include:

  1. Exchange - this field displays the exchange name.

  2. Security Name - this field displays the contract description.

  3. Symbol - this field displays the symbol of selected contract.

  4. Instrument Type - this field displays the instrument type of the selected contract. For futures, it will be 'FUTCUR' and for options it will be 'OPTCUR'.

  5. Board Lot Quantity - this field displays the lot size of the contract.

  6. Tick Size- this field displays the minimum tick for which the price of the selected contract will move on either side.

  7. Issued Capital - this field is not applicable for Currency segment. The data is available in this field in case of commodity segment.

  8. Tick Size- this field displays the minimum tick for which the price of the selected contract will move on either side.

  9. Listing Date - this field displays the listing date for selected contract.

  10. Issue Maturity Date - this field displays the issue maturity date of selected contract.

  11. Expiry Dare - this field displays the expiry date of selcted contract.

  12. IntPayDate - this field displays the IntPayDate of selected contract.

  13. Permitted to Trade - this field indicates whether the selected contract is permitted to trade in Intraday and Carry Forward product.

  14. Freeze Qty -this field displays the quantity at which if order is placed, gets freezed.

  15. DPR - this field displays the Daily Price Range of the selected contract i.e., the price within which the given contract can move during the day.

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