Desktop Alert

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What do you mean by Desktop Alert ?
Desktop Alert
is a unique feature available in Power Indiabulls (PIB) application that lets you customize the way you wish to view alerts. In other words, you can decide how you will be informed when any alert gets triggered.

If you activate this feature, a message will be displayed in a popup window when any alert set by you gets triggered. Furthermore, a message will also be displayed in the Alert Message panel. Alternatively, if you deactivate this feature, no pop up window will be displayed in case of an alert trigger, though, you will be informed about it in Alert Message Panel.

Below is the sample screenshot of desktop alert to give you a better understanding:

How to activate this feature ?
To activate this feature, open Markets Menu options and select/check Desktop Alert feature, if it is unchecked /unselected.
How to deactivate this feature ?
To deactivate this feature, open Markets Menu options and deselect/uncheck Desktop Alert feature, if it is checked /selected.

Also Read:

Markets Menu