Hourly Tick List

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Hourly Tick List feature displays you the scrip’s price at the end of every hour during the current market day. This option can be accessed by right clicking on the scrip and select Hourly Tick List option. On clicking, PIB displays you the following window:

View hour by hour price of a stock

Here, you can view the hourly scrip movement of the selected scrip along with some useful details. These details include:

  1. Index – It denotes the serial order number.

  2. Date Time – It displays the date and time when the tick movement was recorded.

  3. Open – It displays the opening price of the scrip.

  4. High – It displays scrip's highest price during the current market day.

  5. Low – It displays scrip's lowest price during the current market day.

  6. Close – It displays the last closing price of the scrip.

  7. Volume – It displays scrip’s volume at the given date and time.

Add-on Features

  1. Print - You can take a print out of the Hourly Tick List table by clicking on ‘Print’ button.

  2. Export -  You can download the given details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These details will be downloaded in CSV format.

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