Modify /Delete Currency Order

What is an Currency Outstanding Order ?
Outstanding Currency Orders implies to those Currency orders that are placed in the market but yet to be traded. These orders can be modified or deleted before they get traded in the market.

About Modify/Delete Currency Order

Modify/Delete Currency Order feature lets you modify or delete your outstanding currency orders. This option can be accessed from Currency Trading Menu. Note! You can also press 'Ctrl+F3' key on your keyboard to access this option.

PIB displays you the following window when you click on this option:

How to search a Currency Outstanding orders?

PIB displays you a list of your outstanding Currency orders along with the related details. These include:

  1. Exchange- You can search orders on the basis of exchange. Select the exchange under which you wish to view your Currency orders.

  2. Instrument Type - You can search orders on the basis of instrument type. Here, you are provided with two instrument types – FUTCUR (contract in futures) and OPTCUR (contract in options).

  3. Symbol- You can search orders on the basis of symbol of currency pair. Select the symbol for which you wish to your Currency orders.

  4. Option Type- You can search orders on the basis of options type (Call/Put). In case, you are not sure about the options type, choose 'Both' type.

  5. Buy/Sell- You can specify whether you wish to view orders in which you had placed Buy order or wish to view orders in which you had placed Sell order. To search for both, choose 'Both' option.

  6. Product Type- You can select product type for which you wish to view currency outstanding orders. Product Type available in selection are - Intraday and Carry forward. In case you want to see all product type order, then select 'ALL' option in this field.

  7. Expiry Date Range From / To - You can search your outstanding orders on the criteria that the expiry dates of Currency contracts lie between two selected dates. In other words, PIB searches those outstanding orders whose expiry date lie between two mentioned dates.

    Specify the expiry date from which you wish to view order(s) in 'From' field. Similarly, specify the expiry date till which you wish to view order(s) in 'To' field. These dates will be in format (MM-YYYY).

Once you set the search criteria, click on 'Search' button. On clicking, PIB works on your set criteria and displays you the related records. (You can learn more about Modidy/Delete Order Results in the section below)

Outstanding Orders Search Results
Basis on your search criteria, PIB displays you Search Results in the following format:

  1. Contract Description- This field displays the name of the contract.

  2. Exchange- This field displays exchange for the corresponding contract.

  3. Exchange Order Number - This field indicates the order reference number given by the exchange for the order.

  4. Internal Reference Number - This field indicates the internal order reference number generated by the system.

  5. Request placed by- This field displays the user id by which order was placed i.e. client or admin.

  6. Buy/Sell - This field indicates whether you had selected 'Buy' or 'Sell' while placing the order.

  7. Product Type - This field will display the product type for corresponding order. Product Type can be Intraday and Carry Forward.

  8. Order Price - This field will display price at which corresponding order was placed.

  9. Lot:  This field displays the number of Lot entered by you.

  10. Disc. Lot: This field displays the disclosed Lot entered by you.

  11. Remaining Lot: This field displays the remaining Lot yet to be traded.

  12. Exchange Order Time - This field displays exchange's date and time when the corresponding order was placed on the exchange.

  13. Trigger Price - It displays the trigger price, which you had entered while placing the order. In case, you haven't entered Stop Loss price, PIB displays 'No' in this field.

  14. Order Term - It displays whether the order was good-till-day (DAY) order or placed as an Immediate or Cancel (IOC) Order.

  15. Modify Action -You can click on MOD link to modify the corresponding order. Once you click this button, PIB displays you the order details in Buy form where you can modify the details and press ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard to update changes.

  16. Delete Action - You can click on DEL link to delete the corresponding order. On clicking, PIB asks you to confirm Order Deletion. Click on 'OK' button to delete the corresponding order.

Add-on Features

  1. Print - You can take a print out of the Currency Outstanding Order Table by clicking on ‘Print’ button.

  2. Export -  You can download the given order details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These details will be downloaded in csv format.

  3. Synch - You can click on ‘Synch’ button to synchronize /update the Currency Outstanding Orders table.


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