Reference Number is generated by Indiabulls for every order generated
in its Trading System. When you click on a reference number, PIB displays you the following
Reference Number Details
You can view the following details when you click on a reference number:
Scrip - It displays the scrip name.
Exch - It displays the exchange name
where the order was placed.
Exch OrdNo - It displays the unique
serial number generated by the exchange while executing the corresponding
Buy/Sell - It displays whether the order
was a Buy Order or a Sell Order.
Product - It displays scrip's product
type i.e., whether it was transacted in cash, margin or intraday.
Order Price - it displays whether the
order was placed at the market price or was through Limit Order.
Original Qty - It displays the quantity
that user has placed while giving the order.
Disc Qty - It displays order's Disclosed
Remaining Qty - It displays the number of
scrips that are yet to be transacted.
Exchange Ord Time - It displays
exchange's date and time when this order was placed.
Stop Loss - It displays the trigger price
set by the user at the time of order placement.
Good Till - It displays whether the order
was good till the market day or was placed as Immediate or Cancel (IOC)
Prot% / On Price - Note! It is
only applicable in BSE traded scrips. It displays the protection percentage
(%) that user had set while placing the order.
Transcode- It displays the current status
of the given order.
Last Activity By - It displays who has
placed this order.
Add-on Features
Print - You can take a print out of the
Reference Number details by clicking on ‘Print’ button.
Export - You can download the given
reference number details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These
details will be downloaded in CSV format.
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