Sell feature in Commodity Trading menu provides you an option to place order to sell a contract in the Commodity segment. Alternatively, you
can also access this feature by pressing 'Alt+F12' key on your keyboard to place a sell order.
The various fields on Commodity Sell Order Entry screen are as follows:
- Exchange - Select the exchange of the commodity underlying in which you would like to trade. You may select 'MCX' or 'NCDEX' in this field.
Instrument Type- Next, choose the
Instrument type. Here, you are provided with two major instrument types – OPTFUT and FUTCOM.
Symbol- Select the internal symbol of the commodity underlying in which you would like to place order.
Expiry Date– Next, choose the expiry date of the selected contract from the drop-down box.
Strike Price – This field is only
applicable with Options contract. Here, you can enter the strike price of Options contract.
Option Type – This field is only applicable with Options contract. Here, you can choose whether you wish to Call Options contract or Put Options contract.
- Product Type- Select the product in which you wish to place this order. To place 'Intraday' orders (which need to be squared-off within the same day itself), select 'Intraday' option. In case you wish to carry forward your position beyond the current trading session, select 'Carry Forward' option.
- Lot – You need to enter the number of lots that you wish to sell. Note! In equities, one needs to enter the quantity in multiple of lot size. But in Commodity, you only need to enter the number of lots. The system automatically converts the lots into quantity. For ex., if you wish to place Order in MCX Gold contract whose price unit is 10 grams and delivery unit is 1 Kg. Thus the lot size becomes (1000 grams / 10 grams= 100). So instead of entering 100, you need to enter '1' if you intend to place order for one lot.
- Total Weight (Delivery Unit) - This is a non-editable field which will display the total weight of your order. For ex., if you are placing order for 1 lot of Gold contract in MCX, the system will display weight as 1 Kg. The unit of weight is shown in the caption.
Price (Price Unit) – Next, enter the price at which you
wish to place the SELL ORDER. To place order at the prevailing market price,
do not change the value in this field i.e., keep the value 'MKT' in this field. The system also displays you the price unit in this field i.e., price at which you can sell the given weight of commodity. For ex., in case of Gold contracts in MCX, the price is displayed for 10 grams weight.
- Disc Lot - This option is very useful in case you are placing a bulk quantity and do not wish to display the same to the order book viewers. To place such order, enter the quantity that you wish to disclose to the counterparties and the same will be visible in the order book. For example: if you place an order of 100 lots and enter the disclosed quantity as 10, then the order book will show 10 as quantity while 90 lots remain undisclosed. Once these 10 lots are traded, the next tranche of 10 lots will be displayed at the same price and so on...
- Disc Weight- This field displays the weight of the Disclosed Lot.
Trigger Price - Trigger Price is the price at which you wish to trigger a particular order into the market. This field is also used to place Stop-loss order to limit your losses in the existing positions.
Order Term – In this field, you choose
the time duration for which you want to place the order in the market. You
are provided with two major options – Day (to place the order till
the End of Day) and IOC (Immediately confirmed or cancelled).
Place Order - To place the order, press ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
Confirm Order - Once you press the
'Enter' key, PIB asks you to confirm the order (screenshot given below).
Click on “Ok” button to successfully place the order.
Note! If you are transacting for the first time after logging into PIB, you
will be asked to enter Transaction Password first. Enter
Transaction Password in the displayed text box and click on “Submit” button. The system will verify your transaction password and if
finds it to be correct, will display you the
Confirmation screen.
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