The table is divided into two sections- one indicating the shortcut key that you need to press and other section displaying the functionality that will be called upon with respect to the corresponding key.
Key |
Description |
F11 |
If Market Watch window is not open, Capital Market Buy Order Entry Form is opened.
If Market Watch window is open and currently selected row belongs to scrip, Capital Market Buy Order Entry Form is opened.
F12 |
If Market Watch window is not open, Capital Market Sell Order Entry Form is opened.
If Market Watch window is open and currently selected row belongs to scrip, Capital Market Sell Order Entry Form is opened.
Numpad + |
Same as F11 |
Numpad - |
Same as F12 |
Shift + F11 |
Opens Futures and Options Market Normal Buy Order Entry Form. |
Shift + F12 |
Opens Futures and Options Market Normal Sell Order Entry Form. |
Down Arrow |
Populates the regular lot when pressed on the “QTY” field in Futures and Options Market Order Entry/Modification Forms. |
F3 |
Opens Capital Market Outstanding Orders Report. |
Shift + F3 |
Opens Futures and Options Market Normal Outstanding Orders Report. |
Ctrl + D |
If Outstanding Orders Report window for either Capital,Futures and Options, Commodity or Currency Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, the order corresponding to that particular row is deleted. |
Ctrl + M |
If Outstanding Orders Report window for Capital Market, Futures and Options, Commodity or Currency Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, Order Entry Form in respective segment is opened for allowing modification of the order. |
F6 |
Opens the Order Book for the scrip/contract currently selected in the Market Watch window. |
F4 |
Opens Market Watch window. |
F5 |
Opens Intraday Chart window. |
F9 |
Opens Client Details window(For Admin users only). |
Shift + F8 |
If Market Watch window is open and currently selected row belongs to scrip and the key combination is pressed then, Opens Corporate Action window. |
Shift + C |
Applicable for only Admin login. If Complete Position Report window for Futures and Options Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, it allows the Square Off of all Current Positions for the contract. |
Shift + N |
If Complete Position Report window for Currency Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, it allows the Square Off of all Net Positions for the contract. |
Shift + S |
If Intra-settlement Report window for Capital Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, it allows the Square Off of all Current Positions for the scrip. |
Shift + P |
If Trade Search window for Capital Market or Future and Options Market or Commodity or Currency Market is open and the key combination is pressed on a table cell, the details of the particular Trade is printed. |
Ctrl + E |
Opens Equity Margin Report. |
Ctrl + B |
Opens Equity Net Portfolio Report. |
F7 |
Locks Power Indiabulls. |
Ctrl + P |
Prints the currently displayed tabular data, when pressed on a table cell. |
Ctrl + S |
Saves the Market Watch. |
Ctrl + I |
Opens Mark Intraday Futures window for you through which you can enable / disable the particular contract for Intraday futures trading. |
Del |
To delete the Scrip from the Market Watch |
Alt + S |
Opens Market status window. |
Ctrl + L |
Opens Message log window for commodity segment. |
Ctrl + Q |
Opens Message log window for Equity and Currency segment. |
Ctrl + O |
Opens Capital Market Order Search Report. |
Ctrl + T |
Opens Capital Market Trade Search Report. |
Ctrl + U |
Opens Capital Market Current Obligation Report. |
Shift + F4 |
Opens Futures and Options Normal Order Search Report. |
Shift + F7 |
Opens Futures and Options Complete Position Report. |
F8 |
Opens Futures and Options Trade Search Report. |
Alt + F11 |
Opens Commodity Market Normal Buy Order Entry Form. |
Alt + F12 |
Opens Commodity Market Normal Sell Order Entry Form. |
Alt + F3 |
Opens Commodity Market Normal Outstanding Orders Report. |
Alt + O |
Opens Commodity Order Search Report. |
Alt + F8 |
Opens Commodity Trade Search Report. |
Alt + F6 |
Opens Commodity Net Position Report. |
Ctrl + F |
Open contract information for selected commodity from market watch. |
Ctrl + G |
Opens Commodity Margin Report. |
Ctrl + H |
Opens Hourly Tick List window. |
Ctrl + F11 |
Opens Currency Buy Order Entry Form. |
Ctrl + F12 |
Opens Currency Sell Order Entry Form. |
Ctrl + F3 |
Opens Currency Outstanding Orders Report. |
Ctrl + W |
Opens Currency Contract Wise Margin % Report. |
Ctrl + R |
Opens Currency Order Search Report. |
Ctrl + F8 |
Opens Currency Trade Search Report. |
Ctrl + N |
Opens Currency Intraday Position Report. |
Ctrl + J |
Opens Currency Complete Position Report. |
Shift + F5 |
Open Buy Spread Order Entry. |
Shift + F6 |
Open Sell Spread Order Entry. |
Shift+F9 |
Open Modify/Delete Outstanding Spread Order. |
Shift+F10 |
Open Spread Order Search . |
Ctrl+F |
Open Contract Information for selected Order. |
Ctrl+L |
Open Commodity Message Log. |