Corporate Action feature displays you the latest Corporate Action taken by the selected company. It can be Book Closure Date, No
Delivery Date, Record Date and Ex-Date of the particular corporate.
option can be accessed by right clicking on the scrip (for which you wish to
view Corporate Action) and selecting Corporate Action option. On clicking, PIB will display you the following window:
The details displayed are:
Scrip Name – It displays the scrip name.
BC – It displays Book Closure Period of
the given scrip. Book Closure Period is the period during which the corporate looks at its books to
provide corporate action benefit to its shareholders.
EX – It displays the cut off date for the given Corporate Action. Ex Date is the cut off date till which the benefits of Corporate Action will be
given to scrip holders. Anyone purchasing the scrip after the ex-date won't get
the benefit of Corporate Action.
- RD - It displays the record date of the given scrip. Record Date is the date on which the corporate looks at its records to provide
benefits to its share-holders.
- ND - It displays the No-Delivery Period of the given scrip. In No-Delivery Period, all the trades done on the scrip remains pending till it
gets end.
- REM – It displays remarks related to the Corporate Action.
Tick – It displays the minimum tick
movement of the given scrip.
FV – It displays the Face Value of the
- RL - It displays the regular lot of the given scrip. Regular Lot indicates the number of shares that you can purchase when you ought to trade the underlying scrip in Futures and Options (F&O) segment.
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