Buy feature lets you buy a Futures or Options (F&O) contract in NSE or BSE exchange. Alternatively, you
can also access this feature by right-clicking on the particular contract in Market Watch and selecting 'Buy Now' option. Note! You can also press 'Shift+F11' key on your keyboard to place a buy order in the F&O market.
How to Buy a Contract in BSE?
To buy a Futures /Options contract in BSE, follow the steps given below:
- Exchange - To begin with, choose the
Exchange type from the drop-down box. You can choose 'NSE' option or 'BSE' option from the drop down list. By default 'NSE' is selected.
- Instrument Type – Next, choose the
Instrument type. Here, you are provided with four major instrument types – OPTIDX (buy
index options), FUTIDX (buy index futures), OPTSTK (buy stock options) and FUTSTK (buy stock futures).
Asset Code - Next, enter the asset code like 'BSX' or 'BSI' etc.
Expiry Date– Next, choose the expiry date of the selected contract from the drop-down box.
Strike Price – This field is only
applicable with Options contract. Here, you can enter the strike price of Options contract.
Option Type – This field is only applicable with Options contract. Here, you can choose whether you wish to Call Options contract or Put Options contract. Below table will help you in this perspective:
Position |
Anticipation |
Profit |
Loss |
Buy - Call |
Underlying stock / index price will rise in future |
Unlimited |
Options Premium |
Buy - Put |
Underlying stock / index price will fall in future |
Unlimited |
Options Premium |
Quantity – Next, enter the contract quantity that you
would like to purchase. Note! You can only enter the quantity in multiples of Lot Size. To buy '1' lot size of the selected contract, you can press key on your keyboard. On pressing or key, quantity will increase or decrease in multiple of lot size.
Price – Next, enter the price at which you
wish to place the BUY ORDER. To place order at the prevailing market price,
do not change the value in this field i.e., keep the value 'MARKET' in this field.
Stop Loss -Stop Loss Price is the
price at which your order is triggered or placed in the market. In this field,
you can enter the Stop loss price.
- Order Term – In this field, you choose
the time duration for which you want to place the order in the market. You
are provided with two major options – Day (to place the order till
the End of Day) and IOC (Immediately confirmed or cancelled).
- Disclosed Quantity - In this field, you can enter the disclosed quantity.
- Product Type - In this field, you choose the product type from the drop-down list. You are provided with two major options - Carry Forward and Intraday.
- Protection % - This field will be enabled if you have choosen 'Market' option in price field. You will enter the Proctection % in this field.
Place Order - To place the order, press ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard. Press ESC to close the Buy window.
Confirm Order - Once you press the
'Enter' key, PIB asks you to confirm the order (screenshot given below).
Click on “Ok” button to successfully place the order.
Note! If you are transacting for the first time after logging into PIB, you
will be asked to enter Transaction Password first. Enter
Transaction Password in the displayed text box and click on “Submit” button. The system will verify your transaction password and if
finds it to be correct, will display you the
Confirmation screen.
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