F&O EOD Net Positions Report provides details on your Futures and Options (F&O) contracts in BSE that were expired or squared-off at the end of previous trading day.
F&O EOD Net Position Report displays you the following details:
- Client ID – In this field, you can select the Client ID.
- Exchange – In this field, you can select the exchange like 'NSE' or 'BSE' from the drop-down.
- Instrument Type – Next, choose the
Instrument type from the drop-down box. Here, you are provided with two major instrument types – Futures and Options.
Contract Description - This field identifies the contract. Contract
is generated by joining various identifiers. For ex., for Futures
Contracts, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Asset Code>-<Expiry Date>, whereas for Options Contracts, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Asset Code>-<Expiry Date>-<Strike Price>-<Option Type>.
- Exchange – This field displays the exchange.
Long /Short – This field indicates whether you have taken a 'Long' or 'Short' position in the corresponding contract.
Position Qty – It displays the number of scrips that were squared-off or expired in the corresponding contract.
- Close Price – It displays the closing price at which the contract was bought / sold.
Margin Percentage – It indicates the
margin (in percentage terms) blocked while taking the corresponding position.
Position Margin – It indicates the amount
that has been blocked for taking the corresponding position.
Position Premium – This field is only
applicable with Options contracts. It indicates the premium that is being
received / paid while trading in the corresponding contract.
Position MTM – It displays the
Mark-to-Market (MTM) price of the corresponding position.
Total – This field indicates the total amount given at
the bottom of the Position Margin, Position Premium and Position MTM.
Note! Different color legend will be used to indicate the contracts which are marked for Intraday. This differntiation will only be visible to the clients who have opted for Futures Intraday product.
Add-on Features
Synch - You can click on ‘Synch’ button to synchronize /update Intra-Settlement Report.
Print - You can take a print out of
Intra-Settlement Report by clicking on ‘Print’ button.
Export - You can download the given
details in your PC by clicking on ‘Export’ button. These
details will be downloaded in csv format.
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